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The Complete Fawlty Towers Page 33

  Basil: . . . Would you care for a rat? Or . . . ? Just . . . just the biscuits then please, Polly.

  Polly leaves with the tin. Carnegie continues to stare into space.

  Sybil: . . . Black or white?

  Carnegie: . . . Hmmm?

  Sybil: Black or white?

  Carnegie: . . . Black, please . . . was that a . . . ?

  Sybil: There we are.

  Polly (coming back): Here are the biscuits.

  She holds the tin out, now minus rat. Mr. Carnegie stares at it. He takes a biscuit mechanically and just holds it. In the background Manuel is dragging an unconscious Basil by the heels out of the door into the lobby.

  Sybil (conversationally): I’m afraid it’s started to rain again.